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Shaking the Foundation of the Marriage Union

SUBJECT: This is our request for interim injunction, alimony, compensation and jewelery along with the submission of our petition for divorce due to the loss of the foundation of the marriage union.


The client and the defendant got engaged on 29.08.2021, and the parties' requests, promises and engagements were realized on the same day. The marriage contract of the parties took place on 23.01.2022 and the wedding ceremony took place on the same day. The period of one year and three months spent together by the parties extinguished the life energy of the client, the defendant made the client weary of life with his faulty actions and caused the marriage union to become unbearable.


The client sought employment before marrying the defendant. In this process, she follows a page called "kayseriilanlari" on the Instagram application. On this page, job seekers write what type of job they are looking for. When the defendant saw his client, he sent a message to the client via the social media application called Instagram. Therefore, our client had to get to know the defendant only in an emotional relationship. Our client could not get to know the defendant in the business environment in the environment of friends and relatives, and the defendant professionally hid his true face from our client.

The engagement date of the parties is 29.08.2021 and the wedding date is 23.01.2023. When we look at the dates, it can be understood that the engagement period was very short and only 4 months passed. Our client and his family wanted the engagement period to be longer, but the defendant and his family rushed the wedding by saying, "Good work does not come to prolongation".

We think that the reason why the defendant and his family rushed the wedding so much was that the defendant misled the client in essential qualities about himself and the client did not want to learn about these important issues. Because the defendant is a violent personality who causes fights and arguments wherever he goes and has anger control. We will address this issue in more detail in the following stages of our petition.

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