Av. Gizem Gül UZUN

Criminal Lawyer Specialization in Kayseri

We use our expertise to provide you with a fair and effective defense in criminal cases.

Av. Gizem Gül UZUN

Reliable Law Firm in Kayseri

Our law firm operating in Kayseri is proud to assist you with our lawyers with extensive legal knowledge and experience.


High Ethical Standard

Our company located in Kayseri provides service in standards

Consultancy services

All kinds of legal matters provides consultancy services

Expert Lawyer

With expertise in all areas provides quality service

Av. Gizem Gül Uzun

Gizem Gül Uzun graduated from Kayseri Kilim Social Sciences High School;

She is fluent in English, French and Ottoman Turkish.He completed his university education at Erciyes University Faculty of Law. 

Attorney Gizem Gul Uzun; It provides advocacy and consultancy services in Kayseri, completely adhering to the principles of accuracy, protecting the client's interests, and keeping the client's secrets.

Gizem Gül Uzun's goal is to work result-oriented, with concrete solutions to her problems, and to keep her client informed at every stage.

Our Working Places

Banking Law

Banking Law regulates the procedures and principles regarding ensuring confidence and stability in financial markets and the effective functioning of the credit system.

Insurance Law

Insured; It is the person who may incur losses in the event of the realization of the risk subject to the insurance contract.

Malpractice Lawsuits

Malpractice lawsuits fall within the field of medical law, which is a sub-branch of health law.


The protection of personal data is the processing, storage and transfer of personal information to certain principles within the framework of the law.

Sports Law

Sports law is accepted as a separate branch of law in developed countries. Sports law has a very dynamic structure.

Law of Obligations

Law of Obligations is the branch of law that regulates debt relations between individuals. The law of obligations regulates the legal relations between equals in a way.

Trademark and Patent Law

Intellectual Property Law is divided into two subgroups under the title of industrial rights and intellectual rights.

Tax Law

Tax law is divided into two as special tax law and general tax law.

Traffic Accident Lawyer

While these accidents are sometimes caused by the negligence of the administration, sometimes they occur due to the wrong behavior of the drivers.