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Activity Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal law is the branch of law that deals with crimes and the penalties to be applied to them.
It deals with human behaviour that constitutes injustice. It determines which are misdemeanours and which are crimes. It determines the sanction of both misdemeanours and crimes. Criminal law is the branch of law that regulates sanctions.
Criminal law includes the concepts of crime and punishment.

Our Law Office's Services in the Field of Criminal Law

1. Preparation of the complaint petition and its annexes
2. Being present during the taking of statements at the law enforcement and prosecutor's office
3. Being a defendant's lawyer or a complainant's attorney in High Criminal Courts
4. Being a defendant's lawyer or a complainant's attorney in Criminal Courts of First Instance
5. Being a defendant's lawyer or a complainant's attorney in Criminal Courts of Peace
6. Objection to the decisions of non-prosecution given by the Prosecutor's Office
7. Objection to arrest and protection decisions
8. Preparation of the petition of appeal
9. Visiting prisoners and convicts in prison


Working Processes

  • Argument
  • Research
  • Finalize
  • Take action